
Included indexes

Schemas for all indexes


This field has the same values as rule.fields however, the values are normalized by:

  • switching from camelCase to snake_case
  • replacing _ with .
  • replacing junctions of camelCase words with .
  • lower cased

The purpose of this is to standardize comparisons across the disparate rule sets. This format is based on the Elastic ECS format.

Example event in elasticsearch

  "rule.techniques": [
  "rule.logic": "event.category:file and event.type:change and\n  (*.so or file.path:(/etc/pam.d/* or /private/etc/pam.d/* or /usr/lib64/security/*)) and\n  process.executable:\n    (* and\n      not\n      (\n        /usr/libexec/packagekitd or\n        /usr/bin/vim or\n        /usr/libexec/xpcproxy or\n        /usr/bin/bsdtar or\n        /usr/local/bin/brew or\n        \"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/package_script_service.xpc/Contents/MacOS/package_script_service\"\n      )\n    ) and\n  not file.path:\n         (\n           /tmp/snap.rootfs_*/pam_*.so or\n           /tmp/newroot/lib/*/pam_*.so or\n           /private/var/folders/*/T/*/lib/security/pam_*.so or\n           /tmp/newroot/usr/lib64/security/pam_*.so\n         ) and\n  not\n         (\n           yum or dnf or rsync or platform-python or authconfig or rpm or pdkg or apk or dnf-automatic or btrfs or\n           dpkg or pam-auth-update or steam or platform-python3.6 or pam-config or microdnf or yum_install or yum-cron or\n           systemd or containerd or pacman\n         )\n",
  "rule.logic_hash": "1c31a5310f0b2617c31b24c996492633e413a7dddb4571b2d7900ee6605bf99c",
  "rule.fields": [
  "rule.fields_normalized": [
  "rule.references": [
  "rule.false_positives": [
    "trusted system module updates or allowed pluggable authentication module (pam) daemon configuration changes."
  "": "",
  "status": "unchanged",
  "rule.sha": "da8f3e48806300ea7384bad8bdf75a1d2750c5b2",
  "": "elastic_siem",
  "rule.category": [
  "rule.description": "Adversaries may modify the standard authentication module for persistence via patching the normal authorization process\nor modifying the login configuration to allow unauthorized access or elevate privileges.\n",
  "": "93f47b6f-5728-4004-ba00-625083b3dcb0",
  "rule.license": "elastic license 2.0",
  "": "Modification of Standard Authentication Module or Configuration",
  "rule.ruleset": [
  "rule.uuid": "93f47b6f-5728-4004-ba00-625083b3dcb0",
  "updated_at": "2024-06-22T23:11:34.444Z"

Additional fields for rule-alerts schema

The following additional fields are present within the rule-alerts index:


  "new_terms": [
  "new_terms_description": "new detection logic fields by author detected over last 30d"

The four types of new terms are:

  • new detection logic fields detected over last 30d
  • new detection logic fields by author detected over last 30d
  • new techniques detected over last 30d
  • new techniques by author detected over last 30d

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